Posted by: Josie | February 2, 2005

life in a suitcase

It’s funny to think that my life can be packed into a suitcase. Today I packed the majority of my clothes for Japan. It has taken about an hour and a half to do so.
I am starting to feel quite nervous about the experience. Catching trains for one, as there are no trains in Tasmania! I have, however caught trains in NSW. I am looking forward to teaching, as it is what has gotten me there. When I start to feel upset about going, I must realise that I am very lucky to have this experience , that some people only dream of.
I know I will miss my family. Even though at times, they do annoy me to the point of pulling my hair out. I will miss my friends.I have no intention of hooking up with anyone over there. The reason I am going there is to work, and not to sleep around, like other people I know wanted to, if they had the chance to go there. Justin.

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